Challenge iPad: Wintel should abandon flat turn Ultrabook attack

Tablet computer development today, and the development of the smart phone market similar, and has formed two factions of the Aocos N19+ competition. That is the iPad and the apple iPad (also is Google’s Android department). Apple’s iPad need not say oneself, it is predicted that in the next five years its leading advantage no one can shake, and the rest of the plate is Android competition android pad will increasingly fierce, especially the amazon Kindle Fire highly lethal price, define the Android is challenge apple iPad, or their own can on the scale of the iPad tablet development of the only mode. But whether apple iPad or Android is flat adopts mainly is mostly based on ARM architecture of the chip.

Perhaps in this one would think that, Intel support Android is not marketable? After all Android system is the apple iPad except android pad the iOS outside, in the second largest tablet computer system. At first sight the corollary is very trace, but I don’t know whether the people pay attention to the author of the front just the tablet computer has been formed two factions, Android is the only can have development opportunities, or can get the market and by users is the price. Apple’s iPad than that much lower prices, such as the amazon Kindle Fire $199. So if that, other than the final of Android manufacturers is that the price, and ultimately reflected in every Android tablet computer manufacturers of the cost. Then the present ARM + Android and is about to enter the Intel’s X86 + Anroid who the cost of high?

In the same is Android system under the Superpad 3 premise of free, no doubt Intel chip than the X86 based on ARM architecture of expensive, as for you? Even a few dollars, is enough to decide a Android tablet is the fate of the manufacturer. Want to know in the tablet computer in the cost structure, Ainol Honeycomb Novo7 chip is second only to touch screen proportion in the second. So, the author in this want to say is, because the competition is Android manufacturers focus on price, and the cost and decided to price, but from the manufacturer control cost Angle consideration, Intel’s X86 framework chip and the frame of the based on ARM chips without any advantage compared (this is not considered among the power consumption of the problem), and this makes in the Android tablet PC manufacturers is hard to give up ARM and choose Intel. And for doesn’t care about the price, or selling point is not lower the price of apple iPad, somebody else apple have your design based on ARM of the A5 and the future of the A6 chip, Intel is more difficult to find into the opportunity.

The same contradictions in Microsoft’s android pad body also is such. That is the future Windows8 support of Microsoft also face ARM is ARM + Android combination. Because of the business model for Windows, determine the Win + ARM portfolio cost affirmation is to be higher than the combination of ARM + Android, that also can let Android manufacturers association of the department of priority ARM + Android combination.

So the rest of the Wintel combination of the tablet computer is……. But in the tablet computer market as a new combination, facing the apple and other manufacturers of ARM + Android combination, cost advantage will be more is not obvious, and the rest of what else? Perhaps some people will say that, of course, is the different experience. But the author as we mentioned before, in today’s tablet computer in the market and user, and has formed to experience choose apple iPad, want to buy Android tablet of consensus on the price, if X86 + Win combination of the flat experience is worth but iPad in price, and spell but ARM + Android, and that is a real by the poor. Don’t say first market and user, the least oems will not choice. The fact that the final will be like this? According to DisplaySearch forecasts, from 2010 to 2017, in the tablet computer market, ARM architecture has absolute superiority, and in the system, the top of the apple iPad is still the iOS, followed by Google’s Android, the last is Microsoft’s Windows, and in every year, based on the X86 framework tablet computer shipments of proportion and Windows based system of the proportion of the tablet computer shipments quite close, this seems to verify the author analysis of the front, no matter adopt what manner, Intel and Microsoft are difficult to simple flat computer market success.

In addition to the DisplaySearch, a recent survey company Forrest says consumers for Microsoft’s Windows tablet computer interest has dropped. The specific performance in the first quarter of 2011, 46% of all respondents in the tablet computer potential buyers want Windows tablet computer, but to the third android pad quarter, a proportion down to around 25%. Android tablet computer in the same period the appeal from the first quarter of 9%, rising to 18% in the third quarter of. Apple iPad attractive fastest growth, from the first quarter of 16% to 28% in the third quarter of. Why Microsoft announced to be published in support of the tablet computer Windows8 after, consumers for the Windows system tablet computer does not increase the interest in the fall? The author thinks that, in addition to Windows8 release in outside next year, the introduction of the Android tablet, especially the price lower, let the user choice intention changed, at least with a few Windows tablet computer is more intuitive comparability.

Through the above analysis, Intel Window 7 Tablet PC and Microsoft should give up in simple flat computer market and their opponents and Google, apple’s ARM race, but should be to focus on emerging Ultrabook (super this), the traditional notebook computer and between flat in the market.

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