Apple in the third quarter of global tablet computer took 61.5% market share

Market research before the report says IDC apple occupy 68.3% global tablet computer market, about 9.3 million iPad the second quarter of 22011 delivery. Although the company estimates that the Window 7 Tablet PC third quarter saw a decline to 61.5% of the market, but apple android pad still lead the market, shipments from Q2 9.3 million sets of increased to 1110 units. In the most close to apple rivals, samsung, only 5.6% of the market share. Only one over ten of the Ainol Novo7 Paladin apple. Samsung overall tablet computer market grew by 23.9%, more than a year a 264.5% increase over the same period.

Another apple Superpad 3 contrast from the entire Android tablet computer market perspective, IDC Android tablet computer are expected to the market share of the rapid increase in the third quarter, 33.2% growth, 40.3% growth in the fourth quarter. But it is worth noting that android pad such as amazon’s Kindle Fire and Barnes&Noble Nook will likely the flat accounted for most of the increase rate.

This morning, Morgan Stanley significantly raised its 2012 forecast, prediction in years apple may be sold 90 Zenithink C91 million iPad. In addition android pad to 19 million in the iPhone. Analysts obviously for Android 4.0 ability have great expectations, in the hope that it can stop the progress of the iPad

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